New York, NY, USA

Living Through COVID-19 and What We Can Do

Since the spread of COVID-19, Alicia and I have been practicing self isolation the past week. We are only leaving our apartment every 2-3 days for a short period of time to get necessities and enjoy some fresh air and I wanted to address the current situation here on the blog.

I just want to stress how important self isolation is during this scary, uncertain time. We need to do our part to protect the community of people around us, especially those who are immunocompromised (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc.) It’s more important now than ever to stay at home whenever you can and do our part to flatten the curve. Despite the uncertainty in business and our personal lives, we can come together during this time to help the common good. Social distancing doesn’t have to mean social disengagement. Below is a list of things you can do during this time period to help others.

Donate and support charities that directly support the COVID-19 economic relief

Find your local food bank to donate or volunteer. Food banks are experiencing a huge increase in demand to help those struggling with food insecurity. Many communities like seniors with medical conditions and families with children who are losing 1-2 free school meals each day are struggling. As an immigrant kid growing up in NYC, I know what it’s like to be dependent on the free meals at school. Alicia and I will be donating to the Food Bank for New York City. Every $1 donation provides 5 meals while $1 a day provides 150 meals a month. Other organizations that help feed communities and individuals include Feeding America, Meals on Wheels, God’s Love We Deliver, and Save the Children. The Center for Disaster Philanthropy is a US based organization that supports local nonprofits to support hourly wage earners, gig economy workers, immigrant populations, older adults, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations. These communities are especially vulnerable to the impacts of the pandemic physically, mentally, and economically.  Support our doctors, nurses, and other health care workers on the front lines who are working tirelessly during this pandemic by following their advice. Drive down the demand of healthcare by staying at home, washing your hands, and practicing social distancing. A second way to help is to donate blood. The American Red Cross announced they are experiencing a “severe blood shortage” because many blood donation drives have been cancelled due to the virus. Doctors are emphasizing that people can take time out to donate blood while maintaining self-quarantine. Check if there are any local services near you here. Additionally, if you bought bulk protective equipment such as masks and gloves, please donate to your local hospital. They are in desperate need of those resources. Here is an additional list of all other charities supporting COVID-19 relief.

Support local people and businesses in your local communities monetarily

Many local small businesses and the people who lost their jobs as a result of the crisis are suffering. As restaurants have been forced to close many are now offering delivery and asking their community to support them. If available, buy gift cards to your favorite spots. Something we first struggled with at the beginning of this outbreak was the question of is it safe and ethical to order food online during the outbreak? After much careful research and talks with others the consensus seemed to be that if you are ordering from a locally owned business that treats workers with care you are supporting their families and the economy. With that said, some very important considerations. First: Tip. A lot. Double, triple what you normally would. Second: Social distancing. Many delivery apps now provide the option for a no-contact drop off. Make sure the courier knows they can drop it off in a lobby or outside the door, minimizing risk for both of you. Third: Be considerate and kind. If there are delays or mistakes in the order, please be kind and forgiving. They are under a lot of pressure right now.  Support the people around you. Contact your elderly or weakened immune system neighbors to see if anyone needs assistance. Some people could use support with things like food deliveries, or just someone to talk to.

Band together with your friends (at a distance, of course)

Think of the collective impact we can have if we all do this together. Alicia and I will be choosing a charity to support and coming up with a goal that I will share on my Instagram account. I hope that over time we will have many of our friends and brands support us along the way to exceed this goal.
Thanks for taking the time to read and please stay safe! Follow me on
Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube if you don't already. Let's hang out and connect during these uncertain times.